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Q: What does it mean when someone swallows?
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Perhaps you need medical attention, most rosaries are not digestible.

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Call your poison control number.

What happens when someone swallows a tomato seed?

it gets digested in stomach acids.

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Island of the Swallows

What first do you take if someone accidentally swallows a sanitizing agent?

in hospital to gave a medicine

Who wrote Swallows and Amazons?

"Swallows and Amazons" was written by Arthur Ransome and it was first published in 1930. The book follows the adventures of four children as they sail and explore in the English Lake District.

What is pural possessive noun of swallows?

The possessive form of the plural noun swallows is swallows'. Example: There was a row of swallows' nests under the edge of the cliff. The word swallows is also the third person, singular of the verb to swallow.

What does it mean when a girl swallows?

Swallowing refers to the act of consuming something by passing it through the throat and into the stomach. In a sexual context, when a girl swallows, it typically refers to ingesting ejaculate after performing oral sex on a male partner.

What happens if someone swallows a condemn full of drugs?

they should die in no longer than 15 or 20 minutes

What is a group of swallows called?

A group of swallows is called a "flight" or a "gulp."

Can a female get pregnant if she swallows sperm?

If she only swallows it, then no.