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Why is Hamlet still mourning his father's death after a wedding

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Q: What does it mean when the king ask Hamlet how is it that the clouds still hang on you?
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Why did Hamlet not become king after his father died?

Hamlet did not become king after his father died because Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, married Hamlet's mother and became king instead.

What is the horatio dose to Hamlet?

he tells king cladios that hamlet want to kill his and King claudiouse kills hamlet

Who is Prince Hamlet?

King Hamlet isn't. King Hamlet was. In the play Hamlet, King Hamlet was the previous king of Denmark and father to Prince Hamlet after whom the play is named. At the time the play starts. King Hamlet is already dead. However, his ghost makes an appearance in Act 1 Scene 1 and in three scenes thereafter.

How are Hamlet and king Gertrude related?

Claudius and King Hamlet were brothers. Gertrude was married to King Hamlet first, and then she married Claudius.

What is the name of the Queen of Denmark in Shakespeare's Hamlet?

Gertrude, Hamlet's mother and wife of his Uncle Claudius, King of Denmark.

Can I have a brief declamation of Hamlet?

Hamlet's father was King, but then killed by Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet's mom then married the King's brother. Hamlet was visited by his father's ghost, and as a result wanted to expose the killer of his father.

Who did King Gonzago represent in Hamlet?

The play which Hamlet orders the players to perform is called "The Murder of Gonzago". Hamlet intends that the play (already similar in many respects) should be made even more similar to "The Murder of King Hamlet by his brother Claudius" so as to "catch the conscience of the king" Gonzago represents King Hamlet, Hamlet's father, while Claudius is represented by "Lucianus, a nephew of the king"

The official story given out about King Hamlet's death is that he?

The official story is that King Hamlet died from snakebite.

What line spoken by Gertrude indicates that she was not involved in King Hamlet's murder?

"Hamlet: To kill a king and marry with his brother. Gertrude: To kill a king? Hamlet: Ay, lady, that was my word."

Why does Hamlet refuse to kill the king when he has a chance?

The king was praying at the time, and Hamlet thought that by killing him at that time, the king would go to heaven.

Who killed King Hamlet?

King Hamlet, in Shakespeare's play, was poisoned by his brother Claudius.

What does the King want to do with a chalice that could be detrimental to Hamlet's health?

Give it to Hamlet so Hamlet will drink it.