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The dream is not predicting any actual crash. Rather, it illustrates your knowing, on some level, that things are not right between you and this friend. It may be the relationship that is a mess or it might be that your behavior with this friend is leading you into trouble. Alternatively, this "friend" also could be a symbol, representing some part of your self and your life. Either way, the dream is a clear warning from your own mind for you to reconsider your attitude and behavior, because as things now stand, you are headed for trouble.

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12y ago

It depends on who you ask.

People who claim to be able to tell you what your dreams mean are on a par with people that claim to be able to tell your future.

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9y ago

Dreaming about a lost friend can simply mean you miss him/her.

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It is not possible to provide an interpretation without some information about the dream itself. However, because a dream is always about the dreamer, it is safe to say that "your friend's dream" is about "your friend."

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It means you are part of your friend's life. That's a good thing, even if the dream is weird. They usually are.

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It might mean that you are really good friends or that you have a sexual attraction to that friend.

What does it mean when you don't dream about your best friend that died?

It does not necessarily mean anything. While dreams of the deceased are common during mourning, many individuals do not have such dreams. It is also quite possible that you have dreamt of your late friend without recognizing the dream as such. Dreams use symbols and metaphors far more often than straightforward images, so a dream about a broken mirror or a lost kitten or any other representation of loss could have been a dream about your best friend.

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that im going to get with him

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Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.