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Q: What does it mean when you hiccups a lot?
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What does it mean if you hiccup a lot?

if you have the hiccups it means that its not enough air getting to your brain.

Why do you get hiccups after laughing too much?

When you laugh you breathe in a lot of air and that causes hiccups

What color are your hiccups?

How am I supposed to know I don't keep track of what color my hiccups!πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜πŸ˜‘

Does hiccups mean your growing?

no, hiccups are a twitch in the muscles around the throat. if you get hiccups more often than other people, that's not weird, everyones different

Do hiccups mean your lying?

no its natural causes

In medieval times what did they use to cure hiccups?

they drink lot of water

How can you get drunk hiccups?

umm why would u want the hiccups? but i mean the only potential way to get the hiccups is by drinking a lot of alcohol which is not reccomended...but that doesnt even gurantee ull get them unless ur hiccup prone in the first place.

Why would a child get hickups a lot?

A child would get the hiccups a lot because he/she gets scared by something or someone.

Why get hiccups when wash face?

Who knows the true answer? It helpes to drink a lot of water nonstop.

How do you get the hiccups at any time of the day?

you get hiccups when the main muscle of your lungs has like a spasm and closes the tubes in you vocal box making the hiccup noise. YA, but if you want to get hiccups then you just have to like read a bunch of funny things, practically, you have to laugh a lot

What does hiccup mean?

Kitty hiccups are much the same as human hiccups -- it likely means the kitty has eaten its food too quickly. Hiccups aren't harmful, but there also isn't much you can do other than wait for it to pass.

How do you get hiccups?

You get hiccups when your diaphragm gets irritated. Your diaphragm is located below your lungs and helps you breathe. It normally pulls down when you breathe in, but when you get the hiccups it pulls down in a jerky manner. When the air reaches your voice box; you'll hear a hiccup! If you want to get the hiccups, try swallowing a lot of air. Or, try eating very fast without fully swallowing your food.