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Synchronicity! It means to pay attention to what's going on around you and to look for something significant that may help you on your life's path.

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Q: What does it mean when you look at the clock and its the same numbers?
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Why is it that every time you see the clock it has the same numbers like 12 12 11 11 etcetera does it mean something?

It only seems that way because the numbers are easy to remember, and it does not mean anything. You may look at the clock and its says 10 34 and you think nothing of it, but when it says 11 11 you think of it as unusual

Is the geometric mean the same as the mean of two numbers?

No, the geometric mean is not the same as the mean of two numbers.

A clock will show three or more of the same numbers in row how many times in a day?


When you look at clock the reading is the same back to front why?

If you're looking at a digital clock, the reading remains the same if you flip it vertically because the numbers are symmetrical and appear the same upside down. However, if it's an analog clock, the hands will appear to be in reverse, but the time remains the same due to the circular nature of the clock face.

What does 2222 mean on your digital clock Is it good luck?

I have the same thing happen to me almost every night, i wont look at the clock all night and then all of a sudden i will have a erge to look at the clock at 22:22, all my family does it, we used to think it was weird but now we are so used to it... i need answers but i think its more than what we think it is. :)

What does et mean in the game doors?

Put the number of squares on the E on the clock then do the same thing with the T and it's clock

What 3 consecutive numbers that have the same mean and median?

All sets of 3 consecutive numbers will have the same mean and median

What do you mean by product?

The product of numbers is the same as the multiplication of numbers

How many times would a digital clock display the same numbers in a 24-hour day?

i think its 17

Which 2 halves of a clock equals the same in numbers?

10 to 4 and 3 to 9. Both equal 39.

What does it mean when you look at your watch randomly and the hour and minutes are the same 10.10 12.12 09.09?

It provides support for the law of large numbers! It doesn't however mean anything exoterical.

In maths what does mean mean?

The "mean", or "mean average" in full, is obtained by adding up all the numbers and then dividing by the number of numbers there are. It is saying that if the numbers were all the same, this is what they would be.