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When someone or something is foaming at the mouth, it is usually a sign of rabies. They should be taken to a doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when someone is throwing up and foaming out of the mouth?
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What does foaming at the mouth in humans mean?

Human death that is characterized with foaming out mouth is not unusual. This might be caused by various reasons but the main cause could be pulmonary edema. Was the person exposed to rabies? Congestive heart failure is another possibiity

What does frothed at the mouth mean?

It is a saying based on the disease rabies - the idea is that a rabid animal often has foamy saliva dripping from its mouth. This has somehow gotten associated with being mad as in angry, so now you say that if someone is really angry, they are foaming or frothing at the mouth.

What does foam at the mouth mean?

If a dog is foaming at the mouth that means theres white foam coming out of their mouths,they could be thirsty or poisoned or have rabies please check with your vet.

What does it mean when you throw up white foam from drinking too much alcohol?

Foaming at the mouth is a symptom of alcohol poisoning. If this occurs, go to the hospital immediately.

IF your dog gets a foamy mouth without any bit of excitement but doesn't have behavior change is rabies a possibility?

foaming at the mouth is not always a symptom of rabies, rabies causes animals to lose all sense and go wild, so why would they stop calmly for a drink? foaming at the mouth just means that they might not be hydrated enough. But this doesn't mean that you shouldn't consult your veterinarian if you are very concerned.

What does it mean when a cow drools a lot?

They're hungry, bored, thirsty or just tired.

A literal reading of something means to take the words at value?

This is true, A literal reading of a passage does mean taking it at face value instead of figuratively. While literal refers to something that actually happens, figurative refers to something that is metaphorical. An example is 'He is so mad that he is foaming at the mouth.' This is a figurative statement because the person is not actually 'foaming at the mouth'.

What does foaming mean?

It is typically an aerated liquid.

What does the word dumped mean?

Someone leaving you...Or using a toilet. Or throwing your trash out.

What does 'throw jelly at someone' mean?

I'm not familiar with that as an idiom, so I imagine it means literally throwing jelly at someone.

What does it mean when someone says you have something on the corner of your mouth?

It usually means you have something on the corner of your mouth.

What does foam at mouth mean?

It can be a literal meaning: actual foam forms in your saliva and drips out of your mouth. It can also be figurative, as in you are so angry or crazy that you feel as though you are foaming at the mouth.