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maybe your friend was in love with you or you were in love with him.

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Q: What does it mean when your friend who's been dead for 3 months kisses you in your dream?
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What does it mean when you dream your friend gets run over but not killed?

The friend in this dream represents the dreamer's own self. The dream suggests that the dreamer has been hurt - probably emotionally hurt. The message of this dream is that the dreamer has been fortunate because the situation (injury) could have been much worse.

What does it mean when you have a dream that your best friend steals you dream guy?

When you have a dream that your best friend steals your dream guy, it simply means that you have been thinking about this situation in your conscious or subconscious mind. The meaning behind dreams is not easily deciphered. They do not usually mean exactly what they tell. So try not to take them literally. But if your best friend does steal your dream guy, then I think you should find a new best friend...

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He may have been reminising and likely misses you but 2 months has passed and if he is not returning your calls he may not be interested in you in a relationship sense but spoke with you as a friend.

What does it mean for you to dream of your friend hand burned?

The friend in this dream represents yourself and it is your hand that is injured. Other factors in the dream probably provide hints as to the area of your life that has been effected. Pay attention to how this hand has been burned; was it reaching out to help or harm? Was it grasping something or giving something away?

What does it mean when you dream about your best friend's child?

It is natural to dream about people in your life, so this dream might mean nothing beyond your familiarity and affection for your friend's child. On a symbolic level, the child could represent either your friend or yourself in the dream. Beyond that, the meaning of the dream depends on what is happening in the dream and on the emotions you experience as the dream takes place.

What does it mean when you dream about remeeting a friend?

It means that you encountered something recently that triggered a memory of that friend. It could have been a piece of music on the radio, passing a place associated with that friend, or even something as subtle as an odor. You might not have been consciously aware of the memory, but your subconscious mind registered that trigger and used the memory to produce the dream.

When someone close to you dreams of a friend of yours on the day they die what does it mean?

The situation you describe could have a number of explanations. One often dreams about things or people that have been on one's mind. If the friend had been seriously ill or injured, and death was expected, the coincidence of the dream and the death would not be surprising. If "someone close to you" knew that your friend was ill and perhaps had been praying for that friend, it would be very natural to dream about that person.

What does it mean when a friend saves your life in a dream?

This dream is not predicting any future event, but rather expresses your present feelings. You may feel grateful for the kindness or assistance of a friend, which has been exaggerated into life-saving by the dream. It is also very possible that the "friend" represents some part of yourself that enabled you to overcome some unexpected problem.

What does it mean when a friend dreams of you getting stabbed in the face?

Dreams are about the dreamer. So in this friend's dream, "you" represent some aspect the the friend's own self. The face is a symbol for reputation, involving issues of honor or shame, respect or disrespect. The dream suggests that the friend feels that his/her reputation has been attacked in some way, and the feeling is so shameful that the dream substituted a different face for the dreamer's own.

I been talking to this guy for almost 2 months why won't he ask me out?

If you have been talking to this guy for almost 2 months, but he has not asked you out yet, it is possible that he takes you as a best friend and not a lover as such.

What if you dream of your closest friend trying to go out with you in a dream?

This dream only suggests that you and your friend want to spend time together, not necessarily with any sexual significance. Dreams often use "going out" or "dating" or even sexual images to refer to all types of close relationships and "getting in touch." On the more symbolic level, your friend in the dream represents some part of your own life that you have been neglecting. This could be anything associated with this friend: sports, music, finances or whatever.

What is the reason why a person always include in a friend nightmares?

This is probably the fact that the person who is dreaming has been with this person and so they have been thinking about them, therefore they are in their dream.