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Your question is a little unclear but as long as your period is withing the week your on <<sugar pills>> or your week off of the pills. I wouldn't worry about it. Now if your saying that your period is only a few days of spotting and usually isn't like that, then id suggest to talk to your doctor and take a pregnancy test. If your bleeding while taking the pills, then the pill may not be fully effective to you, you may need to switch brands.

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Q: What does it means if you are on pills and your period is a day late and you are spotting for only one day and it goes off?
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How long does the spotting goes on after the miss period?

one week

What do it mean if you spot pink blood then brown blood two days before your period then it goes away the same day?

Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.

Your period is 5 days late you have bad cramps tired hungrey and moody and you thought you just satred your period its very light like a pink clolr is that your period or am you just spotting?

Well you might be over reacting or you are so exited to have your period that your seeing things. I would just wait a few more days and see how it goes if it is still there you are just spotting.

Is it okay to to spot before your period?

Yes, it's completely normal to spot before your period - spotting is light bleeding, menstruation normally starts light like this and then gets heavier as it goes on.

You have been spotting for couple of days now and last you had a pink watery spot the spotting take 1 time at night and goes away the other day?

This means that you need to call your obgyn and get seen right away.

My lst period was on the 21 September but i reacently started spotting. is this my period?

Yes, it is. In the first 18 months of your period, it is not regular and can take up to 42 days rather than 30 or 31. On certain days, your period is not heavy, and is just a bit of spotting. On other days, it is quite heavy and can sometimes 'flood' (meaning that it goes through the pantyliner and onto your pants). It's completely normal, so don't worry. ;)

What does spotting look like?

Spotting is what happens when just a little of the menstrual blood comes out in the middle of your cycle(when you're not expecting a period at all) or it is a sign that your normal flow is about to begin. Spotting is usually light in color, and doesn't require a hefty sized napkin to clean up. But I am on birth control and I am actually expecting to be on my period and it is very light in color and only lasted for one day. is there something wrong? Am i pregnant? I shouldn't be, or is it not healthy for me to take this birth control anymore?

You have spottings while your week free of nuva ring is that normal?

Spotting or even a normal period are normal with Nuvaring. If your period goes on for longer than normal (7 days or so) contact your doctor, as this might be a sign that something is wrong.

What happens if you have your period and your blood is red then the next day its brown?

Brown discharge is spotting, it is small amounts of blood leaving your body but because they're taking time to leave the body it goes brown. This is normal towards the end of your period.

What kind of protection should be used when not on a period?

A condom, birth control pills, the list goes on. Ask your local planned parenthood, they can help you and they are very nice.

Why are you spotting after taking out NuvaRing?

When NuvaRing is in, it is releasing hormones in your body. When you take out NuvaRing that hormone level goes down, and you have bleeding or spotting.

What does it mean when you get your period then it goes away the same day and you get it again and it happens the same thing?

it means that your period is working and you are good