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to be a welder you must have very steady hands and good eye focus also you must know what process you are doing and what the reactions of this process are

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Q: What does it take to be a welder?
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What kind of experience do I need to be a welder?

According to my research in order to become a Welder you will need to take a test to receive your Welder's certificate. Once you get the certificate you can apply for jobs.

What would be a good question to write for the topic of learning to be a welder?

If one is writing a paper on how one learns to be a welder, it might be a good idea to start with what a welder does and what kinds of construction projects a welder works on. In addition, touching on the test one must take to become a welder would be important. Finally, one might want to discuss the differences between an apprentice, a journeyman and a master welder.

How long will it take to be a welder?

it doesnt take long to learn u just need expirience

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Can a welder be promoted?

Pipe welder?

Do you have to take the S.A.T's to become a welder?

No, but taking the S.A.T. will let you know if you should be looking into another field for your life's work. It would be a shame if you are smart enough to be a doctor or lawyer and end up being a welder because you did not take the test.

What is the best training program to learn how to become a welder?

Becoming a welder is very difficult and take a long time to complete the training. The best school in tennesse to start this training is Wyotech.

Is TIG Welder is also considered as Co2 welder?

No , although Co2 may be used , along with other gasses , a welder using this process is not considered a Co2 welder . TIG stands for tungsten Inert Gas , so the welder is considered / called a TIG Welder.

What electric welder do you want in your home shop?

The type of welder is dependant on what you want to weld with the machine. Welding heavy steel will take a bigger machine than one that is used for light metal.

How hard is it to fix a broken tailpipe?

All you need to do is replace it. It would take a welder to fix it.

How do you replace a catalytic converter on your 1999 Dodge Durango?

best if you take it to a shop unless you have a welder.

How long doe's it take to become a welder in British Columbia?

2 years 2 years