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malaria is a disease which involves a parasitic organism (a type of paramecium) that lives inside mosquitoes for part of its life-cycle and inside human beings for another part of its life-cycle; it is the mosquitoes and the human beings which are serving as host organisms to the parasite. So no, malaria is not a host.

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13y ago

Malaria is a serious killing illness and can almost kill you in a small amout of hours and is a horrifying deseise

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Q: What does malaria do to the host?
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Where does the mosquito carry the malaria parasite?

it carries it to the host

What is malaria circumsporozoite protein?

It is a protein that presents in the sporozoite's outer protein coat and involved in sporozoite recognition of host cells in malaria

What is the symbiotic relationship between malaria organism and human host?

This is an example of a parisitic relationship because the organism harms the host.

How do mosquitoes give malaria by biting?

Mosquito gets malaria parasite from the patient of malaria. Once infected, mosquito will carry the disease for life time. When mosquito bites you, it injects an anaesthetic chemical in the body of the host. During this injection, it injects the malaria parasites, in the body of host.

Give example of intermediate host for malaria?

Mosquitoes belonging to the Genus Anopheles.Reptile Aves and Mammals are primary host of plasmodium

What dieseases are caused by protozoans?

Most protists are parasitic in nature, so after they invade a host, they will continue to thrive off the host's body until expelled by treatment, or the host dies. Some diseases caused by protists are Malaria, African Sleeping Sickness, and Amoebic Dysentery.

How long must a malaria parasite grow in its host before infection can be spread to human being?

a week or more

The malaria causing protists plasmodium infects cells of the?

The cells of the host's liver, spleen and the erythrocytes in the blood (where they reproduce).

What is the host of malaria?

Mosquitoes belonging to the Genus Anopheles.Reptile Aves and Mammals are primary host of plasmodium

Do parasites kill their hosts?

The life or death of the host is no concern to the parasite. A parasite concern is 1. To find a host 2. Use the host for energy 3. Reproduce 4. Leave the old host and enter a new host for their perpetuation This happens in most of the cases like in TB, malaria, Typhoid, Cholera, African sleeping sickness, Ascariasis, Amoebiasis etc. But there are some parasites which don't kill host and the host doesn't have any effect of the parasites. Such a host is called Reservoir. The monkey is the reservoir for plasmodium vivax which cause malaria in humans. some parasites are useful and they live along with us as symboints.

Compare the mode of transmission of the common cold with that of malaria?

the common cold is a disease that is only spread to others by direct contact while malaria is the infectious disease that is spread by mosquitos carrying the virus and injecting the host with the bacteria when it bites