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Marijuana really isin't as bad as people make it out to be. If it is used in regulation, it can cause short term memory loss and bronchitis. It can sometimes cause brain and memory damage, but only if you smoke a LOT.

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Q: What does marijuana damage?
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What damage can be caused be smoking marijuana?

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What can happen to you if you do marijuana?

brain damage

What damage can be caused by smoking marijuana?

why are you asking?

How much damage does marijuana do to your body?


What does marijuana do to you and how does it effect the body?

it can give you brain damage.

Does smoking marijuana once in a while damage lungs?


Can you get your braincells back after smoking marijuana for a long period of time?

Technically no, because marijuana does not damage brains in the first place.

Can marijuana damage your memory?

Yes. Very much so.

Does marijuana damage lungs like tobacco?

not like tobacco

Does long term use of marijuana damage your brain?

Yes, it can.

Does marijuana damage the brain of first time users?

no. If you do not use it 34 times it does not damage your brain but it damages your hair.

Are there health risks from smoking marijuana?

yes you will die .... or get brain damage