

What does matter contain?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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6y ago

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I am not quite sure what you mean, but basically, all matter around us is made up of atoms. The atoms, in turn, are made up of smaller parts. Read the Wikipedia articles - or some other sources - on "atom", "atomic nucleus" and "elementary particles" for more details.

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6y ago
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2w ago

Matter contains atoms, which are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The various combinations of these subatomic particles give rise to the different elements and compounds that make up all the substances in the universe.

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13y ago

Matter makes up everything in the universe! The trees, bees, the air, Earth and most importantly.... YOU!! <3

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13y ago

Matters have mass and also occupies space.

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12y ago

Hardware stores usually sell outdoor grills. I am unsure where you are, but stores such as Home Depot or Home Hardware all offer these, as well as Sears.

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13y ago

Matter is mass and it takes up space.

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perfect vacuum

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Study of matter that does not contain carbon?

Inorganic chemistry.

Does wood contain protons?

of course, all matter does.