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In this sentence, "Would you mind elaborating?" It means, would you "mind explaining"? It basically means, explaining in more details.

Hope it helps. And, this is what I think it should mean.

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When elaborating on an essay you should explain what the essay means to you. You can use examples from the essay, but tell more about the ideas that they create in your own mind.

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It means giving more detail on the problem and its effects. It helps to understand it better. If you have more information on a problem, that helps in finding a solution. So if you are explaining a problem in more detail to someone, you can be elaborating on it.

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When elaborating a persuasive essay, you should provide detailed explanations, examples, and evidence to support your argument. Use logical reasoning and persuasive language to convince your audience of your viewpoint. Make sure to address counterarguments and refute them effectively.

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