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Male-hating. This is a neologism, a back-formation from the word misogynist, which means female-hating

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Q: What does misandrist mean?
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Who does a misandrist hate?


Is Buffy the vampire slayer a misandrist?

She is not.

What is the definition for a man who hates women?

Misogyny - The hatred of a girls and woman.

What do you call a woman that hates men?

A misandrist.

How do you use misandrist in a sentence?

just like that

What do you call a woman who hates men?


What is a female version of the word misogynist?

The feminine form of misogynist is misandrist. The corresponding noun is misandry.

What is the opposite of mysoginist?

Antonym: Philogynist, one who admires or loves women Corresponding Negative: misandrist, one who hates men.

What is female version of a misogynist?

opposite of misogynist per misskoriellis1.misandrist (Hatred of men) 2.philogynist (A lover or friend of women; one who esteems woman as the higher type of humanity; -- opposed to misogynist)

What is the word for 'woman haters'?

Misogynists. A misogynist is a person who hates women. Hatred of women (as a noun) is called misogyny. A misandrist is a person who hates men. Hatred of men (as a noun) is called misandry.

What is the antonym of 'misogynist'?

Misandristmis·an·dry [ mi sándree ]noun definition: hatred of men: hatred of men as a sexually defined groupThe above answer was submitted by someone else, so I'll give my explination here.Misandrist cannot in fact be the antonym of Misogynist based simply on the fact that the definition of antonym is "...the exact opposite". Or, "opposite of....", and i state this because Misandrist is not in fact the opposite, more so the same because both words are defined as the hatred of one or the other. Therefore the subjects are different but the idea is the same. I don't yet know what the exact word being the antonym is, but it would be defined as the LOVE of men/women as a sexually defined group. Hope this is helpful!!!-------------------I agree. The antonym of misogynist should be philogynist. The antonym of misandrist would be philandrist.-------------------i agree with the above as well, but since we're speaking exact opposites, wouldn't philogynist be wrong for the same reasons misandrist would? its only opposite to half the definition. therefore, shouldn't philandrist be the antonym of mysogynist, and philogynist be the antonym of misandrist? well, its a hard point to argue, though, because in reality, a woman hater would be difficult to distinguish from a man lover, or rather, many mysogynists could also be philandrists and vice versa, but as far as the definition goes, that seems to be the most exact opposite i can think of. given that the opposite of hate is love and the opposite of man is woman, i'd say even if im mistaken up to this point, philogynist could only be as accurate an antonym as misandrist

What do call One who hates or distrusts men?

This is referred to as a Misandrist. Despite many stereotypes, not all women hate men and feminists do not hate men either; feminists believe in equality between sexes. Even men can hate their own gender.