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increasing the surface area

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A change in state (solid to liquid) does not increase the number of particles available to react because the same number of particles are still present in the substance.

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Lowering the temperture

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Q: What does not increase the number of particles of a substance available to react in a chemical reaction?
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What happens to the volume when heat is added?

When heat is added to a substance, its particles gain energy and move more vigorously, causing the substance to expand and increase in volume. This is because the increased energy disrupts the forces holding the particles together, allowing them to spread out more.

What happen to a substance when it is heated?

When a substance is heated, its internal energy increases, causing its particles to move faster. This can lead to changes in physical state, such as melting or vaporization, depending on the substance's melting or boiling point. Heating can also induce chemical reactions or decomposition in some substances.

What is an increase in volume that occurs when heat is added to a substance called?

An increase in volume that occurs when heat is added to a substance is called thermal expansion. This happens because the particles within the substance gain kinetic energy and move further apart, causing the substance to expand.

When a substance undergoes thermal expansion what happens to the particles?

When a substance undergoes thermal expansion, the particles within the substance gain kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy causes the particles to move more vigorously, leading to increased spacing between the particles. As a result, the substance expands in size.

When a substance is heated do the particles get larger?

When a substance is heated, the particles do not get larger but they vibrate faster and spread out more, causing the substance to expand. This expansion is due to the increase in kinetic energy of the particles, not their actual size.

Related questions

Does adding a catalyst increase the number of particles of a substance available to react in a chemical reaction?

No, the catalyst doesn't increase the number of reactant particles.

Can you increase the number of particles of a substance in a chemical reaction?

In some electrochemical reactions the no. of particles automatically changes because of association and dissociation in solution

How does an increase in total energy of the particles in a substance affect the thermal energy of the substance?

How does an increase in the total energy of the particles in a substance affect the thermal energy of the substance.

How does the speed of atoms in a substance related to its temperature?

If there is an increase in the temperature of a substance, that indicates the increase in vibration and speed of the particles. If there is a decrease in the temperature of a substance, that indicates the decrease in vibration and speed of the particles.

When the particles in a substance move faster what increases?

Temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles of the substance.

How is the temperature of a gaseous substance related to the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance?

if the temperature of the substance is raised then the kinetic energy of the gaseous particles will also increase....

When substance is heated its particles expand and increase in size?

it expands and it becomes bigger

What is the meaning of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy of a substance is the energy of motion of its particles. Temperature is a measure of this quality. When you increase the kinetic energy of a substance, you increase the motion and collisions between its particles, and its temperature goes up.

What happens to particles in a substance whe the sustance's temperature increase?

When the temperature of a substance increases, the particles within the substance gain energy and move more quickly. This increased movement causes the particles to spread out and the substance to expand. Additionally, the increased kinetic energy may lead to changes in the substance's state, such as melting or vaporization.

What are substance that increase the rate of chemical reaction?

They are called catalysts.

What happens to particles in a substance when its heated or cooled?

In a solid, the particles start to vibrate a lot.In a liquid, the particles begin to move around faster and faster.In a gas, the particles move extremely fast through the air.

What will increase a chemical reaction?

-Temperature ^ -More surface Area -More particles -Catalysts