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Q: What conditions does penicillin need to grow?
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Do bananas grow penicillin?

Banana do grow penicillin i found out when my daughter did a piece of homework she let a banana rot. she shook the pot and penicillin came out

Why does penicillin mold occasional grow in jelly?

Molds are more capable of growing in materials with high osmotic pressure or with low moisture. They also have the ability to grow under acidic conditions.

How does penicillin grow?

penicillin grows on fruits that are bruised. Mainly citrus fruits

Does penicillin grow on every fruit?


What conditions does parotoza need to grow?

There is no such thing as a "parotoza"

What are the conditions pasta need to grow?

Pasta does not grow. It is formed from other food products.

Can penicillin grow on bread?

yes, yes it can.

What conditions does a plant need to grow?

Sunlight, Water and Soil

What are the molds that grow on bread?

penicillin is the most common mold to grow on bread

What conditions do Micro Organisms like yeast need to grow?

Yeast needs warmth, food and moisture to grow while bacteria needs warmth, food , correct ph,oxygen, and time to grow. Moulds need warm, moist conditions and viruses need time and opportunity for the conditions to be right for them to thrive.

If gram positive bacteria are incubated with penicillin in an isotonic solution will it able to grow or lysed explain why?

the bacteria can still grow in an isotonic solution with penicillin present.

Can you grow cranberries in Alberta Canada?

Yes you can. However you need very specific conditions to grow them.