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They symbolize an important yet ignored and broken part of living on the island; they have the power to start fire, fire being the wealth of one group (tribe). The specs are a point of conflict between people, yet only later do people realize ther importantce.

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1mo ago

Piggy's glasses symbolize intelligence, logic, and the power of science and reason in the face of chaos and savagery. They also represent civilization and the ability to create fire, a crucial element for survival on the island. As the glasses are broken and lost, it signifies the loss of reason and order among the boys.

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Q: What does piggy specs symbolize in lord of the flies?
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What does Piggy from Lord of the Flies symbolize?

I am pretty sure he symbolizes democracy and goodwill.

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Piggy's glasses in "Lord of the Flies" symbolize intelligence, reason, and the fragility of civilization. They are used to start fires, a crucial tool for survival, but eventually get shattered, representing the breakdown of societal norms and the descent into savagery. Piggy's inability to see without his glasses also mirrors the boys' inability to see the consequences of their actions clearly.

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At page42, Simon commented on Piggy. "We used his specs, he helped that way." shows that Simon see the best out of people.

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