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Q: What does pinching your nose mean in sign language?
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Does it mean that you are pregnant if you have pinching pains in your vagina 8 DPO?

Not a normal sign of pregnancy.

What nose does a hippo make?

They don't, they communicate in sign language

What is sign language for poo?

Hold your nose and make a disgusted face.

How do you say dick in sign language?

Make the letter "d" with your dominant hand and tap your nose with it.

What does the rocker finger sign mean?

It means "I love you" in Sign language

How do you say teach in sign language?

Put both of your hands into a pinching position(it looks like a letter o) the put both hands by your temples and move them away from your body.

In sign language what fingers do you hold up for the letter D?

Tha depends on which sign language you mean - American Sign Language or British Sign Language or Russian Sign Language or Australian Sign Language. In American Sign Language the letter D is formed by extending upwards the index finger and then making a round shape with the thumb and other fingers over the palm.

What does thumbs up mean in sign language?

It is the symbol/sign for the number 10

How do you say nosy in sign language?

Touch dom. hand (index finger) to nose, then pull down and set on "c" non. dom hand (this is going to be confusing if you don't know sign language)

What does tapping the head mean in sign language?

think about it

What is are in a sign language?

sign language is the way deaf people talk but not with their mouth they use their hands to talk you can talk to deaf people by using sign language

What does the sign language OK mean in Germany?

The OK sign in Germany can be an insult but it can also mean job well done.