

What does plain L paper mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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I had the same question and multiple searches didn't find a definitive answer, but this is the best I could come up with myself:

Canon uses this term in their manuals as the name of a paper type setting. E.g.,

"If paper curls excessively when printed with selected, select

." This suggests that "L" stands for "light," or in any case indicates that the paper is treated as more delicate than plain paper.

The same manuals also refer to "Heavy Paper" and "Heavy Paper H", and similarly, it says "If print fixing is not sufficient when printed with [HEAVY PAPER] selected, select [HEAVY PAPER H]," possibly indicating "H" stands for "heavy", or in this case, "extra-heavy."

I don't see other companies using this term--just


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