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Q: What does popular sovereignty allow territories to do?
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What was the result of Bleeding Kansas?

popular sovereignty was an unworkable solution for the territories of Kansas and Nebraska

Which territories were able to choose by popular sovereignty whether or not to allow slavery?

New Mexico and Utah

What issue did Stephen A Douglas believe had a constitutional basis for its resolution?

Slave ownership in territories could be decided by popular sovereignty

What bill passed by congress which included the principle of popular sovereignty?

The Kansas-Nebraska of 1854 allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebrask to vote on whether to allow slavery, which is what "popular sovereignty" or "squatter sovereignty" meant.

Why did southerners support the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery

What is the practice of allowing each territory to decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery?

the sovereignty of each state, known as popular sovereignty

What was the law that established popular sovereignty in new territories?

Kansas- Nebraska Act

What is the term for allowing people within the territories to decided on issues such as slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

What federal legislation brought the concept popular sovereignty to the territories?

Kansas Nebraska Act

The original advocate of organizing new territories on the basis of popular sovereignty was?

lewis cass

Whose theory of popular sovereignty reopened the issue of slavery in the territories?

Stephen Douglas

How did the Wilmot Provise differ from popular sovereignty?

The Wilmot Proviso tried to prevent any of the new Western territories joining the USA as slave-states. Popular Sovereignty was the plan to allow each new state to vote on whether to be slave or free.