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The overburden pressure removes air and water, and therefore space, from between sediment particles.

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Q: What does pressure from above remove from sediment to form sedimentary rocks?
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Which of the following conditions are necessary to cause loose sediment to become sedimentary rock?

There are no following conditions. Pressure will make loose sediment into rock, the pressure may derive from the weight of water or other rocks above the sediment.

How does sediment rocks form?

Sedimentary Rocks are formed when when sediment peices from other rocks are put under pressure from Above and presses them into minerals Sources: Common Knowledge/Science class :bradleyss

Where do sedimentary rocks come from above ground or underground?

Sedimentary rocks come from above ground , because sedimentary rocks form when sediment piles up and sediment is made up of loose particles of clay, silt and sand

How is weathering related to the formation of sedimentary rocks?

Weathering is the breaking down of existing rock into smaller pieces that are transported by erosion to a place of deposition, which can lead to compaction and cementation--two processes necessary in the formation of sedimentary rock.

Are sand pebbles water and plaster mixed together an igneous metamorphic or sedimentary rock?

At this point they are none of the above. They are sediment. If lithified they will form sedimentary rock.

An igneous rock becomes a sedimentary rock when what occurs?

When an Igneous rock is broken down by physical processes it can become sediment, carried along rivers and waterways to reach the sea and the oceans. When upon the seabed, it is slowly covered by other sediment, and the combined force of the water above and sediment above working with sea mud and other sea deposits forms sedimentary rock.

How do layers change into rocks?

Sediment layers are squeezed from above by the weight of overlying sediment, causing compaction. Compaction squeezes out air and water between the sediment particles. Minerals form as the air and water is squeezed out, cementing the particles together, and forming sedimentary rock.

How do rock layers change?

Sediment layers are squeezed from above by the weight of overlying sediment, causing compaction. Compaction squeezes out air and water between the sediment particles. Minerals form as the air and water is squeezed out, cementing the particles together, and forming sedimentary rock.

Which action will change a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock?

Heat from magma and pressure from above ground.

What process can lead down to a metamorphic rock becoming a sedimentary?

Erosion. If a metamorphic rock is exposed above sea level it will erode or weather, the products from this erosion or weathering will be moved by gravity, wind or water to a sea or basin where the products will settle as a sediment. If the conditions are right the sediment will eventually become a sedimentary rock.

Are sedimentary rocks made on the Earth's surface?

Sedimentary rocks form at the bottom of bodies of water, as more and more layers of sediment build up above them. Compared to the depths at which metamorphic rocks form, and some of the places igneous rocks form, these are indeed close to the Earth's surface.

What is the cause of folded sedimentary rock layers?

Pressure from the sediments above compact the sediments down creating a rock. A fold would be the result of oh say allot of pressure. Sedimentary rocks a generally layered strait across so if it's folded it may be metamorphic. They form when igneous or sedimentary rocks are but under immense heat and pressure.