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No any specific scientist knows this answer. ~StormLightning

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Chauncey Kihn

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2y ago
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1w ago

Pressure and temperature are directly related in a gas. According to Gay-Lussac's Law, if the pressure of a gas increases, its temperature will also increase, and vice versa. This relationship is important in understanding how gases behave under different conditions.

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16y ago

Heat is a form of energy and temperature is the degree of heat, measured with a thermometer.

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14y ago


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Q: What does pressure have to do with temperature?
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How does pressure affect temperature?

Increasing pressure typically results in an increase in temperature through the process of adiabatic heating. This is because higher pressure compresses gas molecules more closely together, increasing their energy and therefore their temperature. Conversely, decreasing pressure usually leads to a decrease in temperature as gas molecules move further apart and lose energy.

Does temperature affect hydrostatic pressure?

YES it is called "pressure temperature relationship" temperature rises so does the pressure

Does the increasing temperature increase pressure?

The temperature increases when pressure increases. This is according to the law of pressure. This law mentions that pressure is directly proportional to temperature.

How temperature affects pressure?

as pressure increases, temperature increases

What determines the temperature at which a refrigerant vaporizes?

pressure / temperature / volume /enthalpy

When the pressure of a gas increases at constant temperature its volume?

Temperature increases as pressure increases.

What happens to the temperature if the pressure of a gas increases?

The pressure increases.

How does temperature affect air pressure?

As temperature increases, air molecules move faster and spread out, causing air pressure to decrease. Conversely, as temperature decreases, air molecules slow down and come closer together, leading to an increase in air pressure. This relationship is known as Charles's Law.

What are the sensations detected by the skin?

Temperature amd pressure

What 3 factors affect the density of sea water?

Temperature, pressure, and common ion effect

Comparison between normal temperature pressure and standard temperature pressure?

Normal temperature pressure refers to conditions at 0°C (273K) and 1 atm pressure, while standard temperature pressure refers to conditions at 25°C (298K) and 1 atm pressure. These conditions are used as reference points for certain calculations and measurements in chemistry and physics. The main difference is the temperature at which they are defined, with standard temperature pressure being at a slightly higher temperature than normal temperature pressure.

Does temperature affect air pressure?

Yes, temperature does affect air pressure. As air temperature increases, air molecules gain more energy and move around more, leading to an increase in air pressure. Conversely, as air temperature decreases, air molecules lose energy and move less, resulting in a decrease in air pressure.