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Q: What does produce mean in a phrase 'locally sourced produce'?
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What does 'Locally sourced' mean?

It means that the business is located locally, how locally could mean, however, the same town or the surrounding state, county, or country.

What is ethically sourced mean?

The Question you mean is What Does Ethically Sourced Mean! Ethically sourced is something that has been sourced from somewhere where there are allot of the same product around.

What does local produce mean?

It means that it has been produced locally. In other words it has been made in your area.

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"Rock on" is an expression of encouragement or approval, often used in the context of music or performances to show support and enthusiasm. It conveys a positive message to keep doing what you are doing or to continue with a strong and confident attitude.

What does local foods mean?

Local foods are products that can be sourced in your local area

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Depends what you mean by locally - please make your question clearer.

What does it mean to eat localy and seasonaly?

To eat locally you are buying produce from local sellers i.e. the small fruit and veg shop down the road or the family run butchers in your town. This keeps small community run businesses alive and not pushed out by the big supermarket chains. To eat seasonally saves you money as you are eating produce that is currently 'in season' so are growing and being harvested at that time. i.e. in the summer strawberries and cheaper as they are in season the same as corn on the cobs. Where as in the winter these items can cost twice the price as they have to be sourced from abroad where they can grow in the climate they require.

What does direct credit mean?

Direct credit is a representation of credit that is sourced from the entity that provides the funds.

What does the phrase carbon footprint mean?

It means how much fossil fuels you use in your daily life.Each person has a carbon footprint of how much waste they produce.

What is the adverb for local?

The adverb form of the adjective local is locally. It can mean nearby, or with respect to some location.

I got homework and on it it says -ing phrase I don't know what that means please help me?

An "-ing phrase" implies perhaps a present participle phrase. Without further context, iit could mean you need to identify one, define one, or produce one.

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Some words that mean "from" include: originated, derived, emanated, and sourced.