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Repetitive means that it repeats over and over again.

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13y ago

It means doing or saying something more than once...perhaps many times.

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11y ago

Repetitively means over and over. Pigeons come to Haynes park repetitively.

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Q: What does repetition mean?
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What does repeition mean?

The definition of Repetition is: The act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, or presentation. This is an example of Repetition: Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Saying or doing something over and over is Repetition.

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It is the alliteration.

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Stock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition relating to IT.

Use a sentence with the word repetition?

Repetition is annoying.The repetition drives me crazy.Sometimes teachers use repetition to make sure students memorise things.Repetition is annoying.The repetition drives me crazy.I do not like repetition.

What does repetition mean in music term?

If the musical phrase comes back later in the peice, or symphony - depending on the length. Or if you hear a certain bar over and over, that could also be repetition.

Is there any repetition in fireflies by owl city?

It really depends on what form of repetition you mean. The chorus is repeated multiple times throughout the song, but if you mean vocal repetition, (single words or phrases repeated consecutively) then no. Although there is a slight echo at the end of some verses. However, in the Fireflies Remix (on the Ocean Eyes Deluxe Version album) there is much vocal repetition.

What is the difference between largest number with no repetition and smallest number with no repetition?

The largest number with no repetition of digits (if that is what is meant) is 9876543210. The "smallest" number with no repetition is the negative of that if we allow negative numbers so the difference is zero. If by "smallest" we mean non-negative number, the smallest number with no repetition is 0 so the difference is the original number, 9876543210. If by "smallest" we mean smallest positive number, the smallest positive number without repeating digits is .01, so the difference is 9876543209.99. The unambiguous way to write a number smaller than 1 is to prefix it with "0." To be extremely precise, if by "no repetition" you mean to require that form and to exclude 0.01 because there are two zeros, then the smallest positive number "without repetition" is 0.1 and the difference is 9876543209.9. Everything depends on exactly what is meant by the question. It is important to avoid ambiguity in mathematics - and in everything else.