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Q: What does sample mean in science?
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Related questions

Science what is a sample taken without bias?

The answer is Random Sample

What happens to the sample mean as the sample size increases?

With a good sample, the sample mean gets closer to the population mean.

Why wont a sample statistics change from sample to sample?

The sample mean may differ from the population mean, especially for small samples.

What is the sample of religious material for scientology?

Not sure what you mean by sample. I guess the books could be samples. Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, Science of Survival, Dianetics 55, etc. There are many books and they also have taped lectures and other things. The church has some websites but they're kind of PRish.

When using the distribution of sample mean to estimate the population mean what is the benefit of using larger sample sizes?

The variance decreases with a larger sample so that the sample mean is likely to be closer to the population mean.

A Numerical Measure from a Sample Such as a Sample Mean Is Known?

sample statistic

What is the difference between calculating the sample mean and the population mean?

You calculate the actual sample mean, and from that number, you then estimate the probable mean (or the range) of the population from which that sample was drawn.

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What does 'properties' mean in science?

A property is what characteristics something has.

Why is the sample mean an unbiased estimator of the population mean?

The sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the population mean because the average of all the possible sample means of size n is equal to the population mean.