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the species come from a common ancestor

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Q: What does similar structures in embryos mean?
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Related questions

Do early chick and pig embryos have a similar structure and appearance?

The early embryos of all animals have a very similar appearance. This is no different for chicken and pig embryos.

How can a taxonomist might use embryological evidence in classifying an organism?

Related species have similar embryos.

In what ways are the four embryos similar?

i dont know hahahha

What are similar structures that evolve independently?

Similar structures that evolved independently are called analogous structures, or analogies.

Why are embryos from different animals so alike?

similar chromosomes make them up.

How can embryonic development can be used as evidence for evolution?

Related species have similar embryos.

What are similar structures that evolved independently called?

Similar structures that have evolved independently are called homologous structures. An example would be the wings of a bird and the wings of an insect.

How does comparing the embryos of different organisms support the theory of evolution?

The stages of development of the embryos of certain organisms are extremely similar, a fact that suggests the organisms had common ancestors.

What does it mean if two different animals possess homologous structures?

Homologous structures are similar evolutionary structures that evolved in different organisms that were used for the same purpose long ago but are no longer in use

Similar structures that evolved independently?

homologous structures

What are similar structures inheirited from an ancestor?

homologous structures

How are embryos used as evidence of evolution?

this is because they have a link with early ancestors of similar structure.