

What does SIP mean?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It's the past tense of sip, which means to take a small drink of something, less than a mouthful.

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What sentence can you make with sip?

assuming you mean sip as in take a sip of your drink: The woman picked up her glass of champagne an took a sip out of it before placing it clumsily back on the table, the drink sloshing around inside.

What are other words that mean drink?

sip, gulp, chug.

What does converted sip activity mean in legal records?

Converted SIP activity is a notice of activity regarding an offender's Serial Inebriate Program (SIP). This is alcohol abuse counseling for offenders who have substance abuse issues.

What is the present tense of sip?

Sip is the present tense of sip.

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sip n sip n sip n sip n sip n yarooo lal pachi

What does the medical abbreviation SIP mean?

SIP stands for Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, which is a set of clinical symptoms indicating a whole-body inflammatory response. It is typically seen in cases of severe infection, trauma, or other critical illnesses.

What is the past tense of sip?

The past tense of sip is sipped.

What are some examples of sip providers?

Some examples of SIP providers: GetOnSip, IPTel, Ekiga SIP Service, Sip2Sip, AntiSIP and VoIPUser. The examples listed are SIP services that offer free SIP accounts.

What is the meaning of sip sip?

To drink by swallowing small quantities at a time. To drink in sips. Have a sip of Tea.

What is tagalog ng sucking?

It'd be "sip sip".

How do you say to Sip in Hebrew?

to sip = gama (גמע)