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For one thing, soda contains a-a-a-a-lot of sugar. This is extremely bad for your health. Also, studies have been made to show that soda lowers your VO2 max (the amount of oxygen you can hold in your lungs). A lowered VO2 max lowers your physical ability. Diet soda is no better then real soda; it may even be worse for you. The sugar replacement used in diet sodas may cause illness like cancer.

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12y ago
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13y ago

YES it is bad for you and overabundance in anything is NOT good.

Here's what happens in your body when you assault it with a Coke:

Within the first 10 minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake, and the only reason you don't vomit as a result of the overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor.

Within 20 minutes, your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat.

Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete; your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream.

Around 45 minutes, your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain - a physically identical response to that of heroin, by the way.

After 60 minutes, you'll start to have a sugar crash.

Not to mention carbonated drinks prevent your body from absorbing minerals and the carmel coloring added in soda is like shellac in your veins. And the phosphorus, too much phosphorus in your body leads to a reduction in calcium and magnesium, which are vital for a normal heart rate, nerve and muscle function, blood clotting, good bones and teeth. How can you expect your body to react after years of drinking a daily soda or 2?

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13y ago

It has Splenda or other fake sugar in it. so it can give u memory loss, upset stomache ,makes u thirsty, all that .i know because it happens to me but you will be ok if you only have 1 soda a day.

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15y ago

Soda Breaksdowcdjkshvdvjdvdvfbfgnfgbfghdrbfbrgfbrgfrhbtgfbt

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13y ago

from drinking way to much, making you have stomach aches and can keep you up all night long.

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