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Q: What does someone mean when they say the arena is a clock?
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Why do people say things likes Brittney spears eight o clock or 12 o clock what do the clocks mean?

Imagine a clock with needles. When someone says "brittney spears at 2 o'clock" they mean the position of the needles at 2 o'clock so look straight ahead (at "12 o'clock) and turn you're head towards "2 o'clock" (so towards the right).

What is a really mean thing to say?

It would be mean to say to someone, "You have no soul."

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When you say someone is hard boiled you basically mean that he is very difficult to deal with.

If you say something mean to someone what do you say?

You say you're sorry.

Why do we say o' clock?

It is short for "of the clock".

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It usually means that you are thinking of that person. Wether you are aware of it or not.

How do out arena on Pokemon mystery universe?

you say /giveup or /exit to exit thee arena

What does it mean when you say someone is bright?

We mean that they are intelligent, learn quickly, are innovative and creative, and/or more capable than average.

What it mean if someone touches your arm as they say see you next time with a smail?

You mean "What does it mean if someone touches your arm and say see you next time with a smile"? It means they like you.

How do you say clock in Italian?

"clock" translates to, "orologio" in Italian.

What do you mean when you say someone is a giant?

They are very tall

When you say someone is a giant what do you mean?

They are very tall