

What does t bagging mean?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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Tbag means when a guy puts his testicle on a guy/girls face witch may lead to more active and weird things.

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Kasandra Hegmann

Lvl 13
1y ago
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13y ago

when you put a t bag in hot water to make tea...


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What does it mean to be t-boned?

T-boned as in steak, a large piece of meat. (surley i dont have to draw you a picture) ----------- You are T-boned when another car crashes head-on into the side of your car.

What does a high t statistic mean?

Assuming you mean the t-statistic from least squares regression, the t-statistic is the regression coefficient (of a given independent variable) divided by its standard error. The standard error is essentially one estimated standard deviation of the data set for the relevant variable. To have a very large t-statistic implies that the coefficient was able to be estimated with a fair amount of accuracy. If the t-stat is more than 2 (the coefficient is at least twice as large as the standard error), you would generally conclude that the variable in question has a significant impact on the dependent variable. High t-statistics (over 2) mean the variable is significant. What if it's REALLY high? Then something is wrong. The data points might be serially correlated. Assuming you mean the t-statistic from least squares regression, the t-statistic is the regression coefficient (of a given independent variable) divided by its standard error. The standard error is essentially one estimated standard deviation of the data set for the relevant variable. To have a very large t-statistic implies that the coefficient was able to be estimated with a fair amount of accuracy. If the t-stat is more than 2 (the coefficient is at least twice as large as the standard error), you would generally conclude that the variable in question has a significant impact on the dependent variable. High t-statistics (over 2) mean the variable is significant. What if it's REALLY high? Then something is wrong. The data points might be serially correlated.

What is the measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules in the air?

mean free path and RMS velocity .............................................................GHo$t

The horizontal number line is called the?

if you mean the horizontal line on a graph t is refered to as the x axis or y=0

What does CULT SSS mean in science?

Well i dont know CUL but T is titla S is straight/smooth lines S is size ithink S is scale :)

Related questions

Who invented t bagging in halo?

There is no one creator of 'The T-Bag' as many players found it independently.

What does bagging-up mean in a pregnant donkey?

The bag is up.

What is the english word for bagging?

"bagging" is already an English word.

What does the slang word t-bag mean?

T-bagging is a sexual act where the scrotum of one partner is placed into the mouth of the other, rather like a tea-bag dipping into a cup. Or, if you are a WoW player, it means repeatedly sitting on the corpse of a player of the opposite faction.

What does the term 'tea bagging' mean?

Tea bagging is a slang term derived from the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of his sexual partner. It is also used quite frequently in the online FPS gaming community when someone crouches over your dead character

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Yes, you could wear rubber gloves when bagging groceries but it may make the task more difficult to perform.

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Who Created Tea bagging in video Games?

A freaking genius