

What does telophase look like?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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it almost looks like two balls stuck together. it almost looks as if they are joined together and cannot be disconnected, that's where the whole it takes two thing comes from. the almost look like the testicles from a guys part....?

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13y ago
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14y ago

chromosomes pairs are tugged to opposite ends of the cell

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9y ago

The metaphase look like a sphere which has a number of things including chromosomes and centromere. There are also some finger-like structures which form the shape of a cross.

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11y ago

prophase is DNA coils tightly into the chromosomes, the spindle fibers appear.

then the chromosome lines up next to the homologue. and that's all I know.

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12y ago

chromosomes lose their distinct shape and two new nuclear envelopes form.

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New nuclear membrane forms around chromosomes?

This is actually a bio question, but during the final phase, telophase.

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In telophase in mitosis and both telophase I & II in Meiosis

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