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Q: What does the P stand for in KP or CP cotton?
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1kp is equal to?

1 kp = 1000 p.

How many prime numbers p are there such that 29 raised to the power p plus 1 is a multiple of p?

If you mean 29p+1 = kp, then only 1: p = 29 If you mean 29p + 1 = kp then 3: p = 2, 3, 5

Is Harry Potter on cp?

If you mean PC as in computer, then yes, if not, then I have no idea what cp is :P :)

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Option cp -p in unix commands?

To copy the file from source to target as well as preserve the permissions by writing next to cp '-p'

What is cp Club Penguin?

The letters CP are CP because the C stands for club and the P stands for penguin and it's short anyway

Is Cp short for Club Penguin?

Yes, CP is short for Club Penguin because C stands for Club and P stands for Penguin. CP can have loads of meanings.

How to use drumsticks in cp?

You either dance or wave :P

What is mutual force between two charges?

The force is the derivative of the energy W = -Ze2zc/4pir + cP = -vh/w + cP where v=alphaZ c, and Z is the product of the charges in electron and Alpha is the Fine Structure Constant and c is the speed of light. The Energy W has potential enrgy vh/w and the vector Momentum energy cP. This Momentum energy is the so-called "Dark Energy" and accounts for the Momentum energy. cmV=cP. This Momentum energy exists when there is motion of the electron, mV, then there is vector energy cP. The force is F= XW = [d/dr, DEL] [-vh/w, cP] = [vp/r -cDEl.P, cdP/dr - DEL vh/w + cDElxP] F = [vp/r -cp/r cos(P), -cp/r 1P + vp/r 1R + cp/r sin(P) 1RxP] F = cp/r[v/c -cos(P) , -1P + v/c 1R + sin(P) 1RxP], cp/r = cp/ct=p/t = mv/t = ma. The energy is W = -vh/w + cP where cP is the momentum energy between the charges of electron.

Describe the force that causes the planets to stay in orbit around the sun?

Earth's gravity exerts a centripetal force on the Moon that keeps it moving in a nearly circular orbit. Answer2: The planet stays in orbit because of the balance of the centripetal force vp/r and the centrifugal force sDel.mV= -cp/r cos(P). The centrifugal force is the divergence of the Dark Energy cmV=cP. Dark Energy is the Momentum energy cP, the vector energy. Energy W is a Quaternion , a scalar energy and three vector energies, a Quaternion after William Rowan Hamilton. The true forces are the derivative of the true energy W = -mGM/r + cP. This is Newton's gravity energy plus the vector energy cP due to the fact that m is moving, mV =P Momentum vector and cp is the vector energy. The force is the first Derivative F = XW = [d/dr, Del] [-mGm/r, cP] = [vp/r -cp/r cos(P), -1P cp/r + 1R vp/r + 1L cp/r sin(P)] When the orbit is stable vp/r = cp/r cos(P) = 0 (Continuity Condition) and vp/r = cp/r cos(P) and v/c =cos(P).

What is mimo777's password for cp?

mimo777 password is club p

What is the opposite meaning of stood?

of Stand, imp. & p. p. of Stand.