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French equivalent of Retard and Advance, indicating which direction to turn the pendulum regulating nut to sped up or slow down a clock. An old book written in English claimed R & A was just the initials of an inventor(s) who was developing an improved pendulum. I've never seen anything that would validate to disclaim either.

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2mo ago

The "R A" stands for "Recoil Anchor," which refers to the type of escapement mechanism used in the Westminster chime movement with a "R A pendulum." The recoil anchor escapement controls the movement of the gears in the clock, allowing for the chime to be accurately and reliably struck at the correct intervals.

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What does it take to build a homemade pendulum?

To build a homemade pendulum, you will need a weight (such as a metal bolt or nut) attached to a string or wire. The weight should be suspended so it can swing freely. You can create a stand to hold the pendulum and mark positions for it to swing from to observe its movement. It's important to ensure the length of the string and the weight of the pendulum are consistent for accurate results.

What are the limitation of simple pendulum?

The popular formula for the period of a pendulum works only for small angular displacements. In deriving it, you need to assume that theta, the angular displacement from the vertical, measured in radians, is equal to sin(theta). If not, you need to make much more complicated calculations. There are also other assumptions to simplify the formula - eg string is weightless. The swing of the pendulum will precess with the rotation of the earth. This may not work if the pendulum hits its stand! See Foucault's Pendulum (see link). The motion of the pendulum will die out as a result of air resistance. Thermal expansion can change the length of the pendulum and so its period.

How does an old seismograph work?

An old seismograph consists of a heavy mass attached to a pendulum that remains stationary during an earthquake while the ground moves. The movement of the ground causes the rest of the seismograph to move, but the stationary mass records this movement on a rotating drum, providing a visual record of the earthquake's intensity and duration.

What does the acronym jerk stand for?

Jerk does not stand for an acronym. It is a term that refers to a sudden, sharp movement or action, typically in a negative or abrupt manner when used to describe a person's behavior.

Which two systems work together to help a person stand erect?

The skeletal system, which provides the structure and support, works together with the muscular system, which controls movement and posture, to help a person stand erect. The bones provide a framework for the body to stand on, while muscles contract and relax to maintain balance and alignment.

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What does it take to build a homemade pendulum?

To build a homemade pendulum, you will need a weight (such as a metal bolt or nut) attached to a string or wire. The weight should be suspended so it can swing freely. You can create a stand to hold the pendulum and mark positions for it to swing from to observe its movement. It's important to ensure the length of the string and the weight of the pendulum are consistent for accurate results.

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What are the limitation of simple pendulum?

The popular formula for the period of a pendulum works only for small angular displacements. In deriving it, you need to assume that theta, the angular displacement from the vertical, measured in radians, is equal to sin(theta). If not, you need to make much more complicated calculations. There are also other assumptions to simplify the formula - eg string is weightless. The swing of the pendulum will precess with the rotation of the earth. This may not work if the pendulum hits its stand! See Foucault's Pendulum (see link). The motion of the pendulum will die out as a result of air resistance. Thermal expansion can change the length of the pendulum and so its period.

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This is a puzzling question as there was no holocaust movement. The Nazis did not stand for election on a platform of genocide.

What does RAM stand for in jet engine?

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Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans

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nonrapid eye movement

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What type of special movement occurs when you stand on your heel?

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