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It depends on the REFRACTIVE INDEX of the Medium it is traveling though. That INDEX is directly dependent on the DENSITY of the Material.

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2y ago

it depends on the deepness of the water, refraction in water deep enough would cause light to refract in a curved fashion, creating a brachistrone.

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Is it true that the less curved a lens is the more it refracts light?

No, the amount a lens refracts light depends on its material and curvature. A less curved lens will refract light less than a more curved lens if they are made of the same material. The refractive index of the material and the curvature of the lens both play a role in determining the amount of refraction.

What is a piece of glass that refracts light?

A prism is a piece of glass that refracts light by separating it into its component colors.

How does Light of ray of air into a glass?

When light enters a glass, it slows down due to the change in medium density, causing the light to bend or refract. The amount the light refracts depends on the angle at which it enters the glass. The change in speed and direction causes the light to appear to change direction at the interface of the glass.

What is refract the light?

Refracting light is when light waves pass through a medium such as air, water, or glass and change direction. This change in direction is caused by the change in speed of light as it moves from one medium to another. The amount of bending depends on the angle at which the light enters the new medium.

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No, a mirror can not refrect. Instead, it can reflect. Water is an example of a substance that refracts.

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How does light bend or refracts when traveling through different objects?

Light bends or refracts when it travels through different objects due to the change in its speed caused by the change in medium. This change in speed results in a change in the light's direction. The extent of bending or refraction depends on the difference in the refractive indices of the two materials.

What happens to light rays when it passes from one substance to another?

When light passes from one substance to another, its speed changes causing the light ray to bend or refract at the boundary between the two substances. The amount of bending depends on the difference in the optical properties of the two substances, such as their refractive indices.

What happens when light passes through lens?

The light refracts or bend .

What object in a house refracts light?

A prism is an object in a house that refracts light. When light passes through a prism, it bends due to the differences in speed of light in different materials, creating a rainbow effect.

What is a transparent object that refracts light?

A glass prism is a transparent object that refracts light. When light enters the prism, it changes speed and bends, causing it to refract and separate into different colors.