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eight and four tenths

8 4/10

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Q: What does the decimal 8.4 equal to?
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There are 91.44 centimetres in one yard. Therefore, rounded to three decimal places, 84 centimetres is equal to 84/91.44 = 0.919 yards.

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There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 84 kilometres is equal to 84/1.609344 = 52.20 miles.

Is 84 divided by 9 equal 9 remainder 3?

You are correct. If you would put it in decimal form, 84 divided by 9 = 9.3333333333333333 (with the 3s repeating)

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63 over 84 as a decimal = 63 divided by 84 = 0.75

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Expressed as a decimal fraction, 84/96 = 0.875.

What is the decimal for 84 percent?

It is: 84% = 0.84

What is 84 as a fraction and decimal?

84 is an integer, not a fraction.

How do you get 8.4 divided by 3?


What equles 84?

There are many equations that equal 84. 14 multiplied by 6 is equal to 84. 7 multiplied by 12 is also equal to 84.