

What does the epiphysis do?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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9y ago

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It is a vital growth area near the end of a long bone, which later fuses with the main bone through ossification.

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19h ago

The epiphysis is the rounded end of a long bone that forms a joint with another bone. It plays a crucial role in bone growth and development by producing new bone tissue and helping to regulate the overall length of the bone during growth. Additionally, the epiphysis contributes to joint stability and movement.

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What is the epiphysis towards the body called?

The epiphysis closest to the body is called the proximal epiphysis.

Is there any treatment for epiphysis?

The epiphysis is a normal part of the human bone anatomy; no treatment is needed for an epiphysis.

What is an epiphysis?

The epiphysis is the rounded end of a long bone.

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Epiphysis is singular. The plural form is epiphyses.

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The presence of the epiphysis indicates that the human is still growing.

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Proximal epiphysis is the end of a bone that is the closest to the body's midline.

The medical term for the end region of a long bone?

The medical term for the end region of a long bone is the epiphysis. It is responsible for bone growth and connects to the shaft of the bone through the metaphysis.

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The smooth, shiny substance at the end of each bone is called articular cartilage. Its function is to help reduce friction and allow smooth movement at the joints.

Where is the distal epiphysis located?

The distal epiphysis is the growth plate of the long bone located farthest from the body.

What is the relationship between Diaphysis and Epiphysis?

The epiphysis is the rounded end of a long bone, at its joint with adjacent bone.

The ends of the long bone are called?

Epiphyses. (Diaphysis is the middle part). You might also be asking the name of the knobby parts on the ends, which articulate with the next bone and make up the joint: those are 'condyles'.