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The force of gravity will be greatest in both directions between the earth and

the object with the greatest mass.

How do you determine which object has the greatest mass ? Either pick up or weigh

each one. The heaviest one is the one with the greatest mass.

We know that because the force of gravity is greatest in both directions between

the earth and the object with the greatest mass.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The largest mass in the Universe has the greatest force of gravitational attraction. The largest known masses are black holes.

Every mass -- including you and I -- exerts a gravitational force. Just as the Earth's mass pulls us towards its centre, each of us exerts our own force upon the Earth, pulling it up towards our centres. However we are such minuscule masses we cannot observe the effect we have on smaller bodies, never mind the Earth. But the moon is large enough that it has an effect upon the Earth, albeit much less than the Earth has upon it.

However, gravity is by far the weakest force in the Universe. Even with the Earth's huge mass and its painfully obvious gravitational force, we can easily overcome it. You need only pick up a pin to realise just how weak the Earth's gravity really is; despite all of the Earth pulling a tiny pin towards its centre, we can easily pick it up.

However, the Earth is a relatively small mass within the Universe. Imagine if the Earth had twice the volume. That would mean there would be exactly twice as much gravity and therefore the pin would be twice as heavy. Now imagine the Earth has a million times the volume. Could you lift a million pins right now? Probably not, but that's exactly how much one pin would weigh on such an Earth. However, the Earth would be so large that it would physically collapse under its own gravity -- vastly increasing its density.

Light has mass and is therefore subject to the forces of gravity. We know that light bends slightly as it passes large bodies and the only way that can happen is if light has mass; in other words, light is heavy! Now imagine a body so large and so dense that even light cannot escape: a black hole. These massive bodies are so dense that even a mass the size of a pin head would be impossible to lift on Earth -- it would be heavier than the moon!

Black holes therefore have the greatest force of gravity. But, since they are impossible to see, it's impossible to say which is the largest and therefore which has the greatest force of gravity. We only know they exist by observing bodies that pass close to them and can only estimate their size based upon that. But, needless to say they are huge, much larger and many times more dense than our own sun. The largest black holes thus far discovered are estimated to have masses around 10 billion times that of our sun!

All massive galaxies, including our own galaxy, the Milky Way, are thought to have black holes at their centre. It stands to reason that these black holes will eventually consume their own galaxies, before feeding on each other to produce even larger black holes. Taken to the logical conclusion, there will eventually be just one super massive black hole containing all the matter in the Universe, including all the light energy that escaped from the big bang. At that point, even time will completely stop because there is no longer any space. But you never know; maybe that was the catalyst that resulted in the last big bang, and the one before it!

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12y ago

The mutual force of gravity is greatest between the earth and objects with the

greatest mass. Examples would include elephants, mountains, blue whales, and

oil super-tankers. Such an object can be identified by measuring the mutual force

of gravity between it and the Earth, i.e. by weighing it.

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12y ago

The force of gravity between two objects is greatest when the product of their

masses is greatest. Both objects always feel the same force toward each other.

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two 10 kg objects 1 meter apart

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Wherever the objects happen to be, the one with the greatest mass attracts any nearby mass, such as the Earth, with the greatest force, and it is attracted to the other mass, such as the Earth, with equal force.

What is force is gravity?

gravity is a force by which objects are attracted to the centre of.

Does gravity only act on heavy objects?

No, gravity acts on all objects regardless of their weight. The force of gravity is dependent on the mass of an object, so heavier objects will experience a stronger gravitational force than lighter objects. However, even very light objects, such as feathers, are still subject to the force of gravity.

Is gravity or non contact force?

gravitational forces are experience between to objects without any contact between them

Which force explains the attraction between all the objects?

The force that pulls objects into a circular path is called CENTRIPETAL FORCE.

What is the name of the natural pulling force exerted by objects on one another?

One such force is gravity; basically, gravity is the ONLY force that affects ALL objects.

Why does gravity control motion?

Gravity exerts a force on objects; forces change the motion of objects.

How does the force of gravity affect the object?

The force of gravity attracts objects to the centre of the earth. It does not let objects fly out of its pull.

What controls the force of gravity between two objects?

The mass of the two objects and the distance between them control the force of gravity between them. The equation for the force of gravity between two objects is Fg=(GMm)/R2, so if two objects are very massive, the force will be greater, and if two objects are very close the force will be greater. The force of gravity is directly related to the mass of the objects and inversely related to the distance between them.the earth

How do mass and distance affect the gravitational attraction between objects?

The force of gravity acts between all objects. If massincreases, the force of gravity increases. If distanceincreases, the force of gravity decreases.

What are objects separated by if it has less force of gravity?

To reduce the force of gravity for any given pair of objects, the objects must be at a greater distance from each other.

Measure of the force of attraction between objects due to gravity?

The measure of the force of attraction between objects due to gravity is WEIGHT. ^_^