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Q: What does the future hold for landfills?
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Why are the landfills the gold mines of the future?

In the future after many decades of waste disposal landfills will be loaded with many valuable materials in high quantities, (ex: plastics) instead of wasting energy on trying to recycle these materials in real time think of landfills as a savings account for the future where it is much more economical to set up recycling facilities at the landfill and mine it for years after all the organic material decomposes.

What is the future tense of hold?

The future tense of "hold" is "will hold." For example, "I will hold the meeting tomorrow."

When was Hold the Future created?

Hold the Future was created in 2002.

Are existing landfills considered sufficient to serve as the sole means of disposing of the Nation's waste for the foreseeable future?

no they are not

Are Existing landfills generally considered sufficient to serve as the sole means of disposing of the Nation's waste for the foreseeable future.?

no they are not

Existing landfills are generally considered sufficient to serve as the sole means of disposing of the Nation's waste for the foreseeable future?


What will the future hold?

What does the future hold? Nobody can say exactly. But we can assume. I think that:

What is future tense of hold?

Will hold.

Can trash save your future?

Trash can save your future only if it is disposed of properly or recycled to make new things. If trash is disposed of properly, then landfills won't fill up.

Existing landfills are generally considered sufficient to serve as the sole means of disposing of the Nations waste for the foreseeable future?


What is Past present future tense of to hold?

past = held Present = hold Future = will hold

Existing landfills are generally considered sufficient to serve as the sole means of disposing of the Nation's waste for the foreseeable future.?

no they are not