

What does the hydrosphere cause?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What does the hydrosphere cause?
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How does water through the hydrosphere?

Rain and water cause water to move throughout the hydrosphere.

How water move through the hydrosphere?

Rain and water cause water to move throughout the hydrosphere.

How does the hydrosphere cause tornadoes?

The hydrosphere does not directly cause tornadoes, but it does play an essential role. In short, tornadoes are a product of thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are powered by the energy released when water vapor condenses.

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I dont want to answer it i want to get the answer from someone

E theory of hydrosphere?

theury of hydrosphere

How do bush fires affect the hydrosphere?

The hydrosphere refers to all bodies of water on the Earth's surface. Bush fires affect stream and river water quality. An erosion, which results from a bush fire can increase the turbidity of the water, which will negatively affect aquatic life.

What spheres cause tornadoes?

Tornadoes are chiefly atmospheric events, but moisture from the hydrosphere also plays a role in their development.

How did the Queensland floods affect the hydrosphere?

cause the animals cant swim ^ this is wrong, that would be how the floods affected the biosphere

How does a meteorite effect the hydrosphere?

A meteorite can land in some sort of water source and it can cause the water source to overflow.

Why do you need the hydrosphere?

The question is irrelevant, the hydrosphere is there whether you need it or not. Without the hydrosphere there would be no life on Earth.

Does glaciers come from hydrosphere?

Glaciers are a part of the hydrosphere.