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They were made of adobe, which is dried mud & clay. Pueblos needed ladders to access.

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Q: What do pueblo homes look like Indian tribe?
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What did pueblo homes look like?

pueblo Indians homes were a box like

What types of homes did the Pueblo Indians have?

The Pueblo Indian tribe had a home called a pueblo! Pueblo has three meanings which are town, home, and the name of a tribe. It was made out of adobe bricks which are mud bricks. They made their appearence look like a modern day apartment building. They made windows at the top of them but they never made doors. They wanted to be safe from their enemies. They used long ladders to reach the windows and they climbed into the pueblo. They then pulled the ladders inside of the pueblo so the enemies couldn't climb into the pueblo and attack.

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Southwest indians homes?

The Pueblo Indians of the Southwest built pueblo homes. The adobe, multi-story houses are made of clay and straw baked into hard bricks. They are structured like modern day apartments, with each unit housing one family.