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The intensity of a beam can be measured by the power contained in a square metre cross-section of the beam. For example the Sun's light has an intensity of about 1400 watts per square metre.

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Q: What does the intensity of a beam of em radiation mean?
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What are spectrographs?

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What does electromagnetic have to do with EM radiation?

EM is short for electromagnetic.

What type of wave is EM radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves that are composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and do not require a medium to propagate. This type of wave is considered a transverse wave, with electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

At what speed does all EM radiation travel at?

In a vacuum, 3x10^8 ms^-1. Basically the speed of light, it is EM radiation afterall.

What type of em radiation do conventional ovens use?

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What type of em radiation has shortest wavelength and most energy?

Gamma radiation

What is the scientific term for light?

"electro-magnetic radiation" "electro magnetic radiation" em radiation

What distance does electromagnetic radiation travel in 10.7?

In 10.7 femtoseconds, em radiation will travel 3.208 E -6 meters. EM radiation travels at the speed of light, or 299, 792, 458 m/s.

From Where does the energy carried by an EM wave come?

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a name for different types of radiation. Most radiation comes from the sun. Want more info?

What equipment to use to measure wavelength?

A spectrophotometer or a spectrometer can be used to measure the wavelength of light. These instruments disperse light into its different wavelengths and can accurately determine the wavelength of a particular light source.

What EM radiation that can be seen with the naked eye?

Visible light

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Heat radiation is mainly associated with infrared radiation.