

What does the java new operator do?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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15y ago

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The new keyword tells Java that you want to create a new instance of a class by invoking one of the constructors for that class.

// Create a new, empty String object

String s1 = new String();

// Create a new String object with a different constructor

String s2 = new String("howdy");

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15y ago

The new operator is used to create a new instance of an object.


ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();

This statement is used to create a new object of type ArrayList

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What is operator in java?

An operator is a symbol that does something in Java. for ex: "+" is an arithmetic operator that adds two numbers. ">" is a logical operator that checks if one number is greater than the other. There are many different types of operators in Java like Arithmetic, Logical, Relational and Assignment operators

What happen when a java keyword new is used in an application?

When the new operator is used, a new object is created, based on the specified class.When the new operator is used, a new object is created, based on the specified class.When the new operator is used, a new object is created, based on the specified class.When the new operator is used, a new object is created, based on the specified class.

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In Java, the multiplication operator is represented by the asterisk, "*". This was not invented by Java; most programming languages, as well as programs such as Excel, use the same symbol.

What is use of new operator is it necessary to be used when object of the class is crated why?

In the case of the Java language, it is necessary. The reason is because that's how creating objects was defined in Java. Note that a method can return an object, so the use of the "new" operator may be hidden: x = SomeClass.someMethod(); In this example, is someMethod() returns an object, x will point to this object; however, the "new" operator is still used in the method someMethod().