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Q: What does the most of the length of the earthworm contain?
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Related questions

What is the Average length of the earthworm?

14 inches

Which is the best estimate for the length of an earthworm?

Earthworms vary greatly in their length.

What unit is best for measuring the length of an earthworm?


In which segments of earthworm are typhlosole present?

In earthworm, typhlosole is a dorsal flap of the intestine that runs along most of its length. Its function is to increase intestine surface area for more efficient absorption of digested nutrients. In different earthworm families, the typhlosole appears to have multiple origins

What is the most common earthworm in Honduras?

The most common earthworm in Honduras is the Columbus Worm.

How big is the biggest earthworm?

The giant Mekong River Earthworm is the largest. 13 FEET OVER 4 METERS IN TOTAL LENGTH.

What is the most abundunt worm?

The earthworm

Does the earthworms ventral nerve cord traverse the entire length of the body?

No, they only have a ventral blood vessel.

How many hearts does an earthworm have?

An earthworm does not have any heart at all. But they do have an organ that acts similar to a heart and is usually called aortic arc.

Which organs in an earthworm are the most developed?

The heart

How biologist measures the length of earthworm in jungles?

By just using threads and measuring tape Manish Trivedi

What is the Different between the prostomium and peristomium in polychaetes?

Prostomium is the frontmost part of the earthworm. This is not called a true segment as it doesn't contain typical organs of an annelida. Peristomium is from where the true segment of the earthworm body starts.