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Q: What does the mountain banshee on Pandora eat?
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Can a human ride a Pandora banshee?

Humans cannot ride fictional creatures of any kind.

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Mountain Banshee (Na'vi word Ikran)Forest Banshee (Na'vi word Ikranay)Great Leonopteryx (Na'vi word Toruk)

What is Pandora's food chain?

Navis, thanators, and leonopteryxs are on the top of the food web. Leonopteryx eat medusae, banshees ( Mountain and Forest ). Stingbats eat hexapedes but are eaten by Forest Banshees themselves. Tetrapterons and Stingbats possibly eat hellfire wasps while hellfire wasp sip on nectar with the Direhorse. Ikrans are eaten by Leonopteryxs. Sturmbeests are eaten by Leonopteryxs, viperwolves, and thanators. Tetrapterons eat fish and insects Slingers are carnivorous but it is unknown what they eat. Its unknown what eat fan lizards and direhorses. Hexapedes, Prolemuris, and Tapirus can be eaten by any predator of Pandora. Viperwolves can be devoured by thanators, banshees ( Mountain ), and Great Leonopteryxs Hammerheads are eaten by leonopteryxs and thanators. Dinicthoids eat sturmbeest calfs.

Who piper or phoebe turned into a banshee on charmed?

The Banshee turned Pheobe into a Banshee.

What eat adult mountain lions?

not all worms eat mountain lions ( they only eat when dead) and bacteria eat mountain lions dead or alive:

Which is faster a twin 350 banshee or a 500 banshee?

banshee 500 dont exist

Do bears eat mountain lions?

No mountain lions don't eat bears.Bears eat mountain lions.

What do mountain rabbits eat?

mountain rabbits eat grass in a cave with danderlion and they eat butterfly by Erica cool

Do mountain lions eat rams?

Yes, mountain lions will eat almost anything.

How fast is a banshee 1000?

There is no production Banshee 1000.

How do you get a banshee in wizard 101?

Get a banshee from lord nightshade