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The Northern quoll's pouch is formed by folds of skin which protect the joeys.

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Q: What does the northern quoll have instead of a pouch?
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Related questions

Is the northern quoll also found in New Guinea?

No. The Northern quoll is restricted to northern Australia. Only the Bronze quoll and the New Guinean quoll are found on the island of New Guinea.

How much does a northern quoll weigh?

The weight of the avarage northern quoll is 900g which is 2lbs

Does a chudditch have a pouch?

The chudditch, also known as the western quoll, does have a pouch. Some marsupials do not have pouches, but the chudditch does.

Which dasyurids have a pouch?

Dasyurids with a pouch include the Tasmanian devil, all species of quoll, planigale and the kultarr.

Is the northern quoll endangered?

The Northern quoll is Endangered federally, in Western Australia and Internationally, and Critically endangered in the Northern Territory.

Is the northern quoll a pipsquike?


Does the northern quoll smell?

Not especially. The Northern quoll has no stronger a scent than other native Australian animals.

Is a northern quoll threatened?

The Northern quoll is more than Threatened. It has a national listing of Endangered, and a Northern Territory listing of Critically Endangered.

Do spotted tail quolls have a pouch?

Spotted-tail quolls are marsupials, so they do have a pouch. The spotted tailed quoll is the only species with a true pouch, as the other species of quoll just have folds of skin to protect the growing joeys.

Is the northern quoll aggressive?


Does the Northern Quoll have body odours?


Does the northern quoll's nose drip?
