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Q: What does the notation c stands for in letter?
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In C-Sharp (C#), the sharp stands for: ++ ++ Which would looks like a pound sign. Which indicates a sharp in musical notation. This is to pay hommage to C++ and show it's ancestry (e.g., C was the predecessor of C++)

What does letter c stands for?

C is the symbol for the chemical element carbon.

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C L likely stands for "cash letter," which is a document used by banks to send checks to other financial institutions for processing. It is a common notation on bank statements to indicate checks that have been processed through a cash letter.

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in the enzymatically controlled chemical reaction a to b plus c, the letter a stands for what?

What is the synonym for c?

The letter "C" stands on its own without anything synonymous with it.

The letter C in the word BASIC stands for what?

The C in BASIC stands for Code Beginners All-pupose Symbolic Instruction Code

When using the acronym RACE to guide your actions in a fire the letter C stands for?

The C in the acronym RACE stands for: Contain or Confine the fire

What does the C stand for in the periodic table?

It stands for carbon.

What do the c and v in argc and argv stand for?

The letter "c" in argc stands for count. The letter "v" in argv stands for vector. You can visit this website for more info..........

What does letter c mean in math?

In the classic equation E = mc^2, c stands for the speed of light.

How do you convert from array notation to pointer notation?

In the C and C++ languages the array notation arr[i] is completely equivalent to the pointer notation *(arr + i).

What is C used for?

A single letter may have many meanings, but in physics and astronomy, the letter "C" stands for the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second.