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Anyone who has had number 32 in mind faces alot of obstacles, challenges, downfalls in life. The reason being is that you are here to grow, learn and overcome what life throws at you. If you overcome your own introversion, learn how to face negativity and come out positive regardless of how much negative energy comes your way, you will find yourself to the number 33. When that happens, you will know you have succesfully awakened all of the senses that you have pushed back inside of you and will feel like you are at peace with yourself and others.

32 is filled with drama. If you give up you will stay at 32. If you use 32 to love, forgive, move on from pain, learn how to accept those you can't change and redirect these negative feelings into positive you will feel awake.

This awake feeling doesn't come all at once. It comes in steps. In your life you may have felt like certain areas were shut off while one or two areas were functioning well. They will flip on one at a time. You will know when all are now awake because your life will change for the better. Your compassion, love, empathy and positivity will shine so much that those that harmed you or even think of harming you when you are 33 will not be able to anymore either because you've grown to understand how to redirect negativity or they just find themselves not able to do it.

32 is a test. A very hard one. You've probably been put through hell but hang in there.

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