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Q: What does the number 5 mean in the Holy Bible?
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What does the number 5 mean in the Bible?

The number 5 = Mercy.

What do the numbers mean in a bible reference?

Hy. In a Bible reference, let's say Luke 5:6, at first you have the name of the book( Luke) and then chapter' number( 5) and paragraph's number (6). The Holy Bible it's a colection of Books grouped in two Testaments( Old and New), and divided by chapters and pragraphs.

Is Christianity holy book the Bible similar to the Torah?

The Torah is the First 5 Books of the Holy Bible.

HOW IS Pentateuch used in Holy Bible?

the pentateuch is first 5 books of the bible. if you mean how they used it, they used it for law and order (not the show, literal law and order)

Is the Bible complementary to Torah or a stand on its own holy book?

Neither. The Hebrew Bible is a collection of 24 Holy books. The Torah is a part of the Hebrew Bible (it is the first 5 books of the Bible).

What are the holy 5 deadly sins from the bible?

It's 7.LustGluttonyGreedSlothWrathEnvyPride

Who is the oldest man mentioned in the Holy Bible?

The oldest man mentioned in the Holy Bible is Methuselah. He is said to have lived for 969 years according to the Book of Genesis.

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Which do Jews follow the Bible or the Torah?

Jews regard all of the books of the Hebrew Bible as holy. The holiest part of the Bible are the first 5 books, called, "The Torah".

Does the Bible mention anything about holy water?

The bible does mention holy water once in the scriptures. It is found in the King James Version Bible in Numbers chapter 5 and verse 17. "And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:"

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Where does suddenly appear in the holy bible?

From Gen 37:7 all the way to 1Thess 5:3