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Teaching out of licence is when you are teaching a subject that you do not have your degree in. I.E.: A teacher with a licence in English is teaching a Mathematics class because the position needed to be filled and there are no math teachers availiable.

Source: Foundations of Education, East Carolina University

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Q: What does the phase teaching out of license means?
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What does short circit mean?

short circuite means phase to phase,three phase short, phase to earth, three phase to earth, this is all short circuite

How single-phase induction motor classified?

The single phase induction motors are made self starting by providing an additional flux by some additional means. Now depending upon these additional means the single phase induction motors are classified as: 1.Split phase induction motor. 2.Capacitor start inductor motor. 3.Capacitor start capacitor run induction motor. 4. Shaded pole induction motor.

Why inductor have low power factor?

An inductor has a low power factor because it is a reactive device, and the phase angle of the current with respect to voltage is not zero. In fact, power factor is the cosine of that phase angle, which means that a power factor of 1 means no phase angle, which means a resistive load. Anything else represents a reactive load and a power factor less than 1.In an ideal case, with perfect inductors and perfect conductors, the power factor would be zero, i.e. the phase angle would be 90 degrees lagging.

What does mono phase mean in electrical engineering?

mono phase probably means that you're using a linear phase response filter or delay meaning that all your frequency components get the same delay. Think of a square wave in the frequency domain, and how delay of reactive systems are a function of frequency

What is voltage phase to phase 380 3 phase?

let me clear difference between phase voltage and line voltage. phase voltage is measure line to neutral and line voltage is measure line to line.there is correct answer that 380 volt is sum of multiply of square root 3 to phase voltage 220 volt.phase volt line volt220 volt x 1.732 = 381 volt230 volt x 1.732 = 400 volt240 volt x 1.732 = 415 voltM. Asif ALi

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a class g drivers license means graduated license. that means you went to drivers edd and past.

What is a class g license?

a class g drivers license means graduated license. that means you went to drivers edd and past.

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