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Technically it would be kinetic energy.

But the only good way for that to happen would be if the bus drove off a cliff.

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9mo ago

The potential energy of a bus typically changes into kinetic energy for the bus to move. When the bus starts moving, the stored potential energy is converted into the energy of motion, resulting in the bus's kinetic energy.

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Q: What does the potential engery of a bus change into for the bus to move?
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Why do passengers in a bus move to the right as the bus turns to left suddenly?

Passengers in a bus move to the right when the bus turns left suddenly due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. When the bus makes a sudden left turn, the passengers' bodies continue to move to the right because of their inertia, causing them to lean in that direction.

Jeff is in stationary school bus. which is the best reference point for him to use to determine when the bus starts to move?

The exterior of the bus or objects outside the bus would be the best reference point for Jeff to use to determine when the bus starts to move. By observing the movement of objects through the bus windows or changes in the view outside, Jeff can accurately gauge when the bus begins to move.

A passenger standing in a fully loaded bus which is at rest tends to move backward when the driver suddenly starts the bus?

The passenger tends to move backward when the bus starts because of inertia. The passenger's body wants to stay at rest due to Newton's First Law of Motion, so when the bus accelerates forward, the passenger appears to move backward relative to the bus.

Can a bus change the direction of its velocity when traveling with a constant acceleration?

Yes, a bus can change the direction of its velocity while traveling with a constant acceleration. This change in velocity is due to the vector nature of acceleration, which can cause the bus to turn or change its direction even if its speed remains constant.

Can a bus change direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration?

Yes, a bus can change the direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration. This change in velocity can occur when the bus is accelerating in the opposite direction to its initial velocity. The bus will slow down, stop, and then start moving in the opposite direction.

Related questions

How can a parked bus potential energy changes to kinetic energy?

When the bus starts moving its potential energy will change to kinetic energy.

A bus engine transfers chemical potential energy into what so that the bus moves?

The bus engine converts chemical potential energy from fuel into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to power the wheels of the bus, allowing it to move.

How do bus engines work?

The pistons of a bus move to make the wheels move.

Why do passengers in a bus move to the right as the bus turns to left suddenly?

Passengers in a bus move to the right when the bus turns left suddenly due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. When the bus makes a sudden left turn, the passengers' bodies continue to move to the right because of their inertia, causing them to lean in that direction.

Jeff is in stationary school bus. which is the best reference point for him to use to determine when the bus starts to move?

The exterior of the bus or objects outside the bus would be the best reference point for Jeff to use to determine when the bus starts to move. By observing the movement of objects through the bus windows or changes in the view outside, Jeff can accurately gauge when the bus begins to move.

Why it is dangerous to move out of a moving bus?

because in the bus we are in motion and as soon as we move out there is sudden jerk because of inertia of motion.

What were the central points of Dr. King's philosophy?

Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus. Shortly after Dr. King helped to organize the bus boycott, just another great example of Dr. Kings's use of nonviolent protest in social change.

Why should a passengers hold on to prevent himself from a swaying in a turning bus?

the passengers should hold on to the bus so that their upper part of the body also comes in contact with the bus as the lower part (feet), as the bus moves forward , backward , sideways or if it stops there wont be any change in the passenger's body's inertia. and the passengers will move as the bus does.

A man standing on a bus remains still when the bus is at rest When the bus moves forward and then slows down the man continues moving forward at the original speed This is an example of the effect o?

This is an example of the property of inertia. It is a body of mass' tendency to resist change in motion. The man was in motion at the speed of the bus. When the bus slows, the mass of the man resists change in motion and continues to move forward. It's basically the rebelliousness of matter.

What woman's refusal to move to allow a white man to have her seat on a public bus spurred a boycott that resulted in a change to local law?

Rosa Parks.

A passenger standing in a fully loaded bus which is at rest tends to move backward when the driver suddenly starts the bus?

The passenger tends to move backward when the bus starts because of inertia. The passenger's body wants to stay at rest due to Newton's First Law of Motion, so when the bus accelerates forward, the passenger appears to move backward relative to the bus.

What are the cells in plants that move food?

a bus